Wednesday, December 31, 2008

3 months old!

Davis is now three months old. His favorite things to do include playing on his Baby Einstein activity mat, swinging, drooling (a lot!), standing up and walking with daddy, eating (of course), giggling and smiling, talking to anything, especially clocks or Kevin's paintings on the walls. He also likes to sleep, although sometimes not at first.

We guess that Davis weighs at least 16 pounds, but probably more than that. He is already wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes at 3 months! He is very long and pretty lean. Lean but chubby at the same time in certain places. He holds his head up great and has almost learned to roll over from his back to his belly now. He loves to move! He kicks and punches constantly and has just learned to suck his thumb and seems to love that more than the pacifier now, although it doesn't help him sleep, it just keeps him awake.

We have been thoroughly blessed with a super happy and healthy baby! He is very easy going...there aren't too many things that he doesn't like, except when you put his clothes on or buckle him into his carseat, but he is learning to like those things more.

He doesn't quite sleep through the night yet, but usually sleeps from 9 until 4 or 5 in the morning. Some people would consider that sleeping through the night, but not a Mommy who likes to sleep until 10 in the morning! Mommy (and Daddy) hope that he will soon extend that to at least 7! He has conveniently set his own napping schedule and likes to catnap in the morning for 30 minutes to an hour, then he takes one super nap until about 3:30 for almost 3 hours usually, then more catnapping until bedtime.
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